Frequently Asked Questions

Registered users have the option to choose their home time zone. You will need an account (subscription) and you can set it in your profile/account settings.

We cover 980 leagues & competitions from all over the World in our stats. Obviously we can’t display all of them in the Bet The Builder section at once, so please use the search button if you are after a specific country, competition or team.

For example by searching “England” – you will quickly find all matches from that country (including league, non-league, youth, womens etc. competitions).

You can only search the upcoming matches.

Please use the search button and you will find it instantly, if it’s scheduled to be played in the next couple of days.

We cover 980 competitions and it’s not feasible to display all of them. Hence we added the search button.

At this moment we can only offer current matches (for today and tomorrow).

Our Team, Specials and Players stats & tips are updated 1-2 days in advance. You should always be able to see stats for today and tomorrow.

The lineups tabs are available for most major competitions and are updated throughout the day. They are usually available around 30 minutes to 1 hour before the kick off time.

The players stats are calculated and available for most of the major competitions that we cover. Please contact us, if you require players stats for a specific competition so we can look at it for you and see if we can provide them.

FAQ - Statistics

We subscribe to advanced and expensive football data feeds from one of the leading football API data statistics providers. All our data comes from the same source that is being used by some of World’s best football/soccer products and services providers  including bookmakers and many official sites.

All our statistics are generated by us. We download football scores and outcomes and use our statistical models to come up wih the stats that you see on the site/app.

There won’t be any stats for the Single Competitions for certain teams at the beginning of the new season (e.g. for newly promoted, relegated teams).

We look only at the most recent matches, so therefore there won’t be any SC stats calculated for cup competitions with less than 10 fixtures in the past 2-3 months.

For certain stats (e.g. Shots On Target, Total Shots, Tackles or Passes) there may be small differences in recording them correctly. You may notice this inconsistency when comparing bookies’ lives stats with completely different numbers for the same stats. Therefore some of the stats may differ slightly (+-1 Shots on Target etc.) and there is no right/wrong source that could possibly validate them.

It’s something to bear in mind when using these stats for betting purposes as different bookies will also accept their own stats for settling any bets placed on those markets.

We will happily double-check our stats to make sure that we display only the correct calculations. Mistakes and errors happen and could be due to incorrect data being provided to us (e.g. mistake in recorded stats) or wrong calculations (e.g. missing some fixtures in calculations, technical issues, etc.). They are inevitable with such huge amount of data being processed and displayed, but we will always strive to present the most accurate data as possible.

Please let us know whether the mistake is for All Competitions, Single Competitions or H2H Stats. Give us as much details as possible so we can check it quicker. Thank you.

When calculating the players stats e.g. players goals stats we include players who performed at least 45 minutes in a match. We may adjust it or change the criteria in the future if needed.

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